Anna and the Missing Teddy Bear

hace 4 meses · Actualizado hace 4 meses

Este test está diseñado para estudiantes de nivel A1 y se basa en un texto sencillo en inglés. Lee con atención la historia y responde las 10 preguntas que te ayudarán a evaluar tu comprensión lectora. Aquí podrás practicar vocabulario básico, identificar información clave y mejorar tu capacidad para entender textos simples en inglés.

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Tabla de Contenidos
  1. Historia
  2. Preguntas


Anna was a little girl who loved her teddy bear. The bear’s name was Brownie because it was soft and brown. Every night, Anna hugged Brownie and told it stories before going to sleep. Brownie was her favorite toy.

One day, Anna couldn’t find Brownie. She looked under her bed, in her closet, and in the living room, but Brownie was not there. Anna felt sad and told her mother, "I can’t find Brownie anywhere." Her mother said, "Let’s look together. Don’t worry, we will find him."

They started searching the house. They checked the kitchen, the bathroom, and even the garden, but Brownie was still missing. Anna sat on the sofa and said, "Where could he be?"

Then, Anna’s little brother, Timmy, walked into the room. He was holding something behind his back. Anna asked, "Timmy, do you know where Brownie is?" Timmy smiled and said, "Yes!" He pulled Brownie out from behind his back.

Anna was so happy. She hugged Timmy and said, "Thank you for finding Brownie!" Timmy laughed and said, "Brownie wanted to play hide and seek." Anna smiled and said, "Next time, tell me before you take him!"

That night, Anna hugged Brownie tightly and said, "I’m so glad you’re back." She told Brownie about her day and fell asleep with a big smile on her face.

From then on, Anna always kept Brownie in a special place so she wouldn’t lose him again. She also made sure to play with Timmy every day. Anna learned that sharing her favorite toy with her little brother made both of them happy.


1. Why was the teddy bear called Brownie?


2. Where did Anna NOT search for Brownie?


3. How did Anna feel when she couldn’t find Brownie?


4. What was the name of Anna’s teddy bear?


5. Where was Brownie eventually found?


6. What lesson did Anna learn at the end of the story?


7. Who helped Anna search for Brownie?


8. What was Timmy doing when he brought back Brownie?


9. What did Anna do before she went to sleep after finding Brownie?


10. What did Anna say to Timmy after he returned Brownie?


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