Mia’s First Day at School

hace 2 meses · Actualizado hace 2 meses

Este test está diseñado para estudiantes de nivel A1 y se basa en un texto sencillo en inglés. Lee con atención la historia y responde las 10 preguntas que te ayudarán a evaluar tu comprensión lectora. Aquí podrás practicar vocabulario básico, identificar información clave y mejorar tu capacidad para entender textos simples en inglés.

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Tabla de Contenidos
  1. Historia
  2. Preguntas


Mia was a little girl who was very excited and a little nervous. Today was her first day at school. She woke up early, brushed her teeth, and ate her breakfast. Her mother packed her a lunchbox with a sandwich, an apple, and a bottle of water.

Mia wore her new uniform and shiny black shoes. She looked at herself in the mirror and smiled. "I’m ready!" she said. Her father took her to school. The building was big, and there were many children playing outside.

When Mia entered her classroom, she saw colorful posters on the walls and small desks in rows. A friendly teacher said, "Hello, Mia! Welcome to our class." The teacher’s name was Mrs. Brown. She showed Mia her desk and gave her a name tag.

Mia sat next to a boy named Alex. Alex smiled and said, "Hi! I like your bag. It has stars on it!" Mia said, "Thank you! I like your pencil. It has a rainbow!" They laughed and became friends.

Mrs. Brown started the class by teaching the alphabet. Mia liked singing the ABC song. Then, they learned numbers. Mia counted to ten and felt proud. After that, the children went outside for a break. Mia played on the swings with Alex and a girl named Lily.

At lunchtime, Mia opened her lunchbox and ate with her new friends. They talked and laughed. Mia said, "I like school. It’s fun!"

In the afternoon, the children drew pictures. Mia drew a house with a garden and a big sun. Mrs. Brown looked at her picture and said, "Great job, Mia!" Mia felt happy.

When the school day ended, Mia’s father came to pick her up. She ran to him and said, "Dad, school is amazing! I made new friends and learned so many things." Her father smiled and said, "I’m proud of you, Mia."

That night, Mia went to bed with a big smile on her face. She was excited to go to school again the next day.


1. Why was Mia excited and nervous?


2. What did Mia’s mother pack in her lunchbox?


3. What activity did Mia enjoy in the classroom?


4. Who did Mia play with during the break?


5. What was Mia’s teacher’s name?


6. What did Mia’s father say to her after school?


7. What did Mia say about school at the end of the day?


8. What did Alex like about Mia’s bag?


9. What did Mia feel when she went to bed?


10. What did Mia draw in the afternoon?


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